Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Long-Faced (get it?) Elephant

As excited as I was to buy Maeve's Halloween costume this year considering her large affection for the magnificent creature, the elephant, could she look more melancholy about wearing the thing? It almost looks like she wants to trample me...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lee's 30!

It's not every day that we have an excuse to gather together and shower Eileen with all of our affections and well-wishes. Thanks to her boyfriend and best friend, Scott, we had just such an opportunity. Yes, Eileen is now 30, although she has never looked better that she does now and has certainly grown more beautiful just as much on the inside with each passing year. Scott managed to gather some tried and true people in Eileen's life: friends from her high school days as well as her college years, co-workers, family, and even some new friends as well. People traveled from all pasrt of the country - no joke: New Jersey, New York, Chicago, even Colorado! I'd say it was a success (I sure hope Scott feels that way) and I think Eileen managed to enjoy herself in her most gracious and humble way, once she got over the shock of it all! Here are some pictures for posterity:

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Yard Work

One of Maeve's many things that she enjoys doing during her visits to Hanson is to help Pa refill the birdfeeder. Maeve uses a litte Dixie cup to transfer the seed from the bag to the feeder. Most of the feed ends up on the ground (of course) but Pa doesn't seem to mind. It's more of the enjoyment of completing the tasks together than whether or not the birds actually get fed! Now with the Fall season upon us, me thinks both Pa and Na are hoping Maeve might enjoy doing a little raking as well?