Monday, January 7, 2008

Maeve meets Santa

She can tell you what color his hat is, what color his shoes are, what color his boots and mittens (aka "minutes") are and what he likes to say: "ho ho ho," but when Maeve was presented with opportunity of meeting Santa face to face? Hysteria. Santa very gently presented Maeve with a toy which she DID accept and then proceeded to sleep with it for the next 5 nights straight. And also, every night since then, Maeve calls Santa on the phone, bids him good-night, and tells him she loves him. So I guess for Maeve, some things like Santa, are better imagined than seen...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Snow in Seekonk

Technically, Maeve was around during last year's mild winter but it certainly didn't mean as much to her then as it does this year, now that she can bundle up and roll around in it! Chris and I decided a few weeks ago, to get her out there with us while we (but mostly Chris, I confess) shoveled out the driveway and of course, I was ready with camera...