Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This is One Call You Don't Want to Miss

So tonight, the McNamaras of Seekonk placed a very important phone call to the North Pole. I don't think I'll reveal the face behind the voice for now but I think you'll agree, this Santa deserves an Academy Award. I'm thinking he could actually make some money off of this north pole phone call thing. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Very Chatham Christmas

First and foremost, I'd like to thank Robin and Dave Reed for hosting a stellar holiday party this year. They stopped at nothing to make everyone feel at home and their home was decorated from top to bottom with every festive item you could imagine. The group, however, was sorely missing the Preneta gang who is happily celebrating the newest addition to their family, little Nicholas, born just before Thanksgiving. With any luck, next year, the whole crew will be together. Here are some photos from our time together which went by way too fast if you ask me...

Here are Larissa and Doug who will happily expand the Chatham offspring come May 2009. And I just realized at the moment that I am posting this blog, that they were wearing Christmas colors. Did they plan that?

Becky & Dave...the pioneers of the Chatham holiday party tradition

Here are Jodi & Kevin who just can't seem to get enough of that toddler time...

The dapper duo of Amy & Kevin

Our hosts, Robin & Dave

This is about as close as we came to getting the group shot of the kids, mainly because my daughter refused to cooperate. And yes, Michael IS in the picture, being held by Meg Reed directly behind Maeve. There's always next year...

Larissa and Doug taking a adult-sized time out

Michael and Kevin become fast friends

Maeve is partial to guys named Dave

Some of the girls do some cookie decorating. Please note, while most of the girls are smiling at the camera, Maeve is eating frosting straight off the plastic knife...

Winding down after the Yankee swap...

Last but not least, Jen and Marco who will be hosting the next (and perhaps biggest) excuse for the Chatham gals to be together again. The celebration of their wedding in Sept. 2009! We anxiously await the event and promise not to disappoint Jen and Marco on the dance floor...

And the Tree is Up!