Saturday, February 21, 2009

Warm & Cozy

My last few blogs have been out of order chronologically but being in Hanson yesterday made me remember that this entry was intended to be done a few weeks ago. Sometimes, on my days off with the kids, we pack up the car and head to Hanson for the day. It's a change of scenery for the two little ones and an opportunity to hang with my parents every once in a while. Often, if we travel there on a weekday, Mom and Dad are still teaching and no one is there for our very dramatic arrival. However, you can bank on there being a least one welcome note waiting for you on the stove top from either Dad or Mom or sometimes both. A few weeks ago, we hit the jackpot on the love notes. Who wouldn't want to stick around with these types of promissory notes?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Pagan No More

So last Sunday, we squeezed in Michael's baptism, just before lent kicked in. It ended up being a really nice day and Michael did very well, all things considered. Here are some shots from the church, including a feature of the new godparents, Eileen and Scott.


Boy do I hope his eyes stay this blue...

Super Fan

Does anyone out there think he looks remotely like Don DelNegro?

Backseat Driver

A couple of weeks ago, after strapping both children into the backseat of the Subaru, Chris found himself having this conversation with Maeve:

Maeve: Hey Dad. Someday I'll drive this car. And I'll sit where you're sitting (pointing to the driver's seat) and you can sit over there (gesturing to the passenger seat).

Chris: Oh yeah?

Maeve: Yeah. And that will be good because then I can take the keys, go to the bank and get myself a lollipop.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Entertainment Tonight

Our Very Own Scandinavian Stud Muffin

A Cherished Sister

As many of you know, the Moore family kicked off the new year with the wedding of Eileen to Scott! And luckily, the Moore sisters were able to squeeze in a day of fun to celebrate Eileen and how special she is to us. As per Eileen's wishes we kept things simple and as stress-free as possible and pampered ourselves with a manicure, followed by a leisurely dinner at the Melting Pot restaurant in Providence. The day was filled with lots of love and lots of giggles. We're not sure what sort of impression we made on our manicurist who had to endure the Moore girls in a private room for 2 hours straight, but we were so grateful for the day - to be together and to tell Eileen how much we love her.

Christmas Images 2008

I am now posting a very weak blog entry depicting Christmas 2008. With two kids in tow, I realize how much more you miss when you're trying to create special moments. As I flipped through the pictures I took over the holidays, I realized I only gave myself a small selection from which to choose. And most, if not all of the photos are of the little ones. So here is a small sampling of our holidays last year and I vow to do a (slightly) better job next year for posterity!