Saturday, June 20, 2009

He Just Won't Clap

This video is entirely too long but I find it (of course) more than a little amusing.  Michael's newest "talent" is clapping and I tried on this day to catch it on video for you.  He refused to do it for me, but did make several attempts to destroy the camera...

Pretty in Pink

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do Not Disturb

So I laid Michael down for a nap a short while ago, and about 10 minutes later, here's what I found when I wet to check on him:

Initially, totally annoyed that I've entered the room...

Then, Maeve feels badly that she gave me such a cold greeting so she tries to pretend she had been napping and is now saying, "Mom? is that you?"

Her reaction to my response of "Maeve, I'm not buying what you're selling."

Maeve, my biggest fan, realizes how hilarious I am and Michael decides to join us in our momemt of glee:

Finger-Lickin' Good

The OTHER Green Monster

You can't have too many projects going on at once as far as Chris is concerned. At least this one had both a starting point and an end point within reach. The mammoth hedge that had lined our driveway leading up to the back door was ripped out by my husband and replaced with beautiful flora so noted below. And doesn't mulch just smell so...mulchilicious?