Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

It IS a magical morning. So magical, that you may feel compelled to finish Santa and Rudolph's leftovers. Go figure.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's That Time Again

What can I say about this year's phone call to the North Pole? Maeve was basically terrified that Santa was going to address her with any sort of question and she pretty much refused to ask any questions of him on her own. She instead, preferred that I interpret for her. Michael seemed somewhat interested about who was ho-ho-ho-ing on the other end of the phone line and kept checking periodically on the conversation. Despite all of this, Santa did a wonderful job at fielding all of my very important questions and reassured us that he would NOT check on us while we were sleeping and that he really, REALLY would enjoy the eggnog we promised to leave him on Thursday night. Cheers Santa...and your little elf too!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Slowly but Surely

For all of you who are wondering how the new kitchen is progressing (and also those of you who have had to endure my complaints for the last couple of months) here are some random but recent photos which document the evolution...

One of Chris' earliest crusades was the ripping out of the old oven vent and covering up the hole on the outside of the house. The following picture (the best one I could find) shows the vent to the left of the window and the picture after that shows a lack thereof...

Construction of the "cut out" connecting the living room with the new kitchen...

The new french door is in (which we hope will let in more natural light from the breezeway and give the room more character). It was one of our most favorite finds from a really neat place out in Springfield, MA called the ReStore (a tip we received from Jen) which sells salvaged and surplus building materials at super low prices. Final price? $50.00. Nice.

Maeve helps Chris test drive construction on one of the new Ikea cabinets...

Has anyone seen my son?

The walls are dressed and the room begins to look more like a room instead of the absence of a room...