Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Nature's Bounty

It's that time of year and we've signed on for a weekly "half share" with a local farm. Here are some shots of our first bushel of the summer which included lettuces, rhubarb, snap peas, squash/zucchini, kale, beets w/their greens and some radishes. Can't wait to see what else is in store for us. Life is good...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


That's the number I wore for the running of my 2nd 5K. It was not an easy venture but it was made bearable by the encouragement of family and friends and the company of some 5K "partners in crime" otherwise known as Megan, Ted and Chris P. I ended up clocking a 9.52 minute mile which was a personal improvement for me on my previous experience but I'd say there's definitely room for improvement on my part. The 5K took place down in Cranston, RI at the annual Gaspee Days event and it was followed by a pretty spectacular parade which the kids and adults really enjoyed. They even served up some Budweiser on tap after the run. How bad can that be? My only regret is that I didn't snap a photo of the runners BEFORE Meg left. We'll get her at the next one!

Blueberry Blitz

School's Out

With her Spring semester of Knotty Pine Nursery School tucked snuggly under her belt, Maeve celebrated her last day wither her classmates and friends last Thursday at a Carnival complete with game, snacks, prizes and a little face painting. She'll return there in the Fall for a full year and then it's off to Kindergarten. Where oh where does the time go?

Baking Bread

What better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon than to bake some homemade bread with your Dad? And that's just what Maeve did. Michael and I, however, got to reap the benefits without having to lift a finger. Oatmeal bread anyone?