Thursday, August 12, 2010


It's that time of year again people! The Chatham chickadees (and their respective peeps) take on the town of Scarborough, ME and tear it up! Well, not really, but it sounds exciting. It's more like, we pack a gigantic amount of crap into our cars and race each other up Route 95 to see who can place the first order of fish and chips at Ken's Place on Friday night. Jodi and Kevin, as usual, were nothing short of spectacular in their hosting abilities which included this year, a special celebration for Baby-Deiboldt-To-Be. Feast your eyes on the festivities from another unforgettable weekend up north...

Friday night...

Happy Birthday Chris - our private celebration in the hotel suite...

Shots from our Saturday afternoon at the Beach. A gorgeous, sunny day. Chris forgot his hat. So Maeve let him borrow hers...

The cook-out/baby shower...another bambino to add to the Chatham crew. Can't wait!

Enfield 2010

It was back to Enfield, NH we went for what has become an annual get-away. All we could manage was a long weekend but it seemed to provide just enough relaxation to satisfy us and as you can see, the kids had a blast. Thanks to Michelle for supplying the girls' swimwear. Lake Mascoma never looked so good...

Special Delivery from Medical Springs

Chris' Uncle Kevin McNamara paid us east-coasters a visit from his home in Medical Springs, OR. We appreciate all of his efforts to get to us - especially after laying out his journey on a map of the U.S. for Maeve! We enjoyed lots of laughter and good food over a number of days and have grown more and more to appreciate these times shared with family members that we don't have the luxury of seeing very often. Kevin, in his very charming and unassuming way, slipped right into the hum of our lives here on the eastern shore and we soaked him up as much as we could before saying good-bye. We rest assured that there is nothing more important than family and we're so grateful to Kevin for reminding us of that.

P.S. Kevin's wearing one of our wedding favor t-shirts! Hooray for Kevin!

Unite or Die

This year we did the 4th of July Hanson-style. Complete with a Unite or Die cake fashioned painstakingly by Jen and Katie. Although I didn't get pictures of everyone, we were all there taking part in the annual reading of the Declaration of Independence on the deck, spear-headed by Jen, and enjoyed some savory offerings from Pa's grill and Eileen's summer panzanella. We also enjoyed watching Scott run in and out of the sprinkler set up for Maeve and Michael...or was it really secretly set up for Uncle Scott? We do largely regret not being able to walk in the Red Acres parade but hope to get our patriotic behinds there next year perhaps?

Mother's Day/Father's Day

They came, they went, we celebrated and are a couple of pictures of us really enjoying the reasons (the Maeve-ster and the Mike-ster) we became a Mom and Dad in the first place. Please note the homemade shirt I'm wearing that Chris and Maeve worked so hard on. It's tiny little colorings of various princesses - yes Maeve colored every one - which Chris then ironed on to a t-shirt for me. Just for me.

Is Anybody Out There?

Hello all! My apologies to all you faithful followers - you know who you are. Although I've had many good intentions to update this thing and all of you, other happenings have taken priority over my precious computer during these hot sticky summer days. But I'm back (at least for now) and am about to basically regurgitate our entire summer into your face to the point of dry heaving I believe. Get ready for a McNamara binge...