Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Old Friends = Great Time

I'm ashamed to post that I only have one photo and one video to accompany this entry. However, let that be an indication of the good time that was had by us when the Santalucia Family came down to Seekonk for a visit. The kids played hard, the adults laughed/ate hard and we were warmed once more by their friendship. The only problem is, these get-togethers just make us want to see them more often. I'd say that's a pretty good problem to have.

Winter Warm-Up

Chili and popovers anyone?


After an assortment of threats from select family members, this is the only photo I am at liberty to post from the Star Trek Themed How to Host a Mystery party. No one was without costume and everyone was a winner. Of course.

Exit 2010, Enter 2011

Snip It. Snip It Good.

A last minute decision was sprung into action when the kids and I arrived at Snip-Its for their first-ever professional haircuts. Someday I'll try to explain to them that despite all of their tears that day, the experience was most certainly more traumatic for me than it was for them.

Note the "seat belt" around his waist...

Oh, God, oh God...

Let me just map out the nearest exit for my escape...

You have no idea what coaxing it took to get Maeve into this shampoo chair. No idea.



The Blow Out...

With their prizes in hand and their baby hair tucked securely in a zip lock bag for their memory boxes, we took one last photo at the "salon" for posterity...

A little Ramen sometimes makes everything a WHOLE LOT better: