Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kayin Effie

On a warm Sunday afternoon, Kayin Effie, just 18 months old, paid us a visit...

Practice Makes Perfect

With only a week left to her first Irish Step recital, Maeve practices her steps under the watchful eye of Ms. Erin and Dad's camera...

Seize The Day

A Carnival of Cousins

Yard Work

It's that time of year again. That's right. Put the kids to work. Make them go directly from Irish Step lessons to the wheelbarrow.

Mother's Day on the South Shore

After a relaxing lunch at Alden Park Restaurant in Plymouth, some Moores and McNamaras headed over to some Clasbys at the Kramer household on Second Brook Street for some way-too-yummy dessert and some good, old fun in the backyard.

I ask you, what get-together would be complete without Uncle Frank's magic ball trick?

This year's recipients of the Best Mother and Best Godmother award...

Getting down and dirty in the back yard

New Perspective

Another year older (and a another year sporting more gray hair than the year before), earns you a new camera!

Mothers: It's Good Stuff, Man