Sunday, August 7, 2011


Over the last several years we, as a family, have really come to treasure our Moore Family summer vacations. It's not so much the location as it is the company and the sometimes, timeliness of the trip that have served to fortify us and inspire us to support each other so fiercely. It's a chance to leave all of the "unnecessary" behind for a while to concentrate on the "necessary" that IS family. It's a chance to laugh, to heal, to savor, to hope and to love each other. This year, Dad selected Otis, MA as our destination and it served us well indeed. There were times of uproarious laughter, times of quiet and rest and countless moments of memory-making which is something we have become very adept at. We are so grateful for these times that our parents have made possible for us. So grateful.

Destination: Otis

Breakfast Al Fresco


The Porch

The Journalist

Hayden Pond


The Front Porch Sessions...

"Hazel" Maeve

The Real Housewives of Otis


The Memory Makers


Adios Knotty Pine

She's off! Maeve has checked Pre-School off of her ever-expanding list of Things-To-Do. She was joined by some grandparents and some great-grandparents who were very eager to witness the momentous occasion. Mother Nature spoiled us with the perfect sunny, but breezy day. Our little girl isn't so little anymore.

The onlookers...

Maeve and friend, Zoey

Maeve and her best buddy from school, Jake.

"The Jig is Up"

With her first-ever Irish Step recital under her belt, Maeve is now bursting with excitement (and a wee bit of pride I might add) as she looks forward to the continued tutelage of Ms. Erin in the Fall. You'll see from the video that there were a "range" of dancers in her Ages 3-5 class, and although Maeve was the only one who insisted that the instructor dance with her to kill the nerves, she has the technique pretty well figured out. We are happy that she has found something that she enjoys and will support her until she finds something else to tackle. The guy at the end of this post isn't too bad either...