Saturday, May 19, 2012


Maeve can tuck her first Feis securely under her belt. She left Hyannis with a 1st in the Light Jig, 1st in the Slip Jig and 2nd in the Reel. Not...too...shabby. And the best part? She truly enjoyed herself. Here are a few snapshots from her morning and a video of her warm-ups. Videotaping of the actual competition risked disqualification. We didn't leave our house at 6 AM that morning only to be kicked out of the Hyannis Convention Center. Go Maeve!


Easter 2012


The Magic of Harry Potter

And one more makes 5...

Please consider this our official birth announcement of the newest addition to our family: Welcome, Summer McNamara

Maeve turns 6!

As impossible as it may seem, we love you 6 times as much as we did when we came face to face with you for the first time.
