Saturday, December 30, 2006

A new addition...

Today, Friday, December 29, 2006, Chris and I dropped off Maeve at Rocky Hill Day Care. Usually I'm the one to do it and Chris picks her up, but It was a collaborative drop-off effort this morning so that we could take one vehicle to my aunt and uncle's annual holiday hoopla in the evening. I swear when we dropped her off she had that irresistible gummy smile. But when Chris picked her up in the afternoon, he made a discovery (with a very large hint dropped by Pat, the day care provider) that there was a new addition to Maeve's mouth. When I finally was reunited with her in her awake state in Duxbury, MA that evening, I gingerly placed my fingertip inside of her mouth and sure enough, there it was...a tooth! My immediate reaction, of course, was one of great sadness. Because, any indication that my baby is growing breaks my heart a little bit each time. Selfish, I know, but I want her to remain small and dependent a little bit longer than I know she will. Sigh. But once I was able to process this big event, I realized that more and more fun was to come our way as we pioneer through new foods, all different textures and sizes. And so, we welcome you, little tooth, and any little friends that you wish to bring to the party.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome tooth! She'll be poppin' beer bottles with those teeth in no time. Just kidding!