Friday, September 28, 2007

Sent From Above

She is here. At last, little Audrey Carolee McNamara has arrived to deliver her message of love and purity, pulling at our heartstrings and awakening something new within each of us without forgetting the past, like only she can. As for me, this day September 28th, is a very special one. I am a new Aunt. A proud Aunt. She enlivened Chris and I tonight by her beauty, her smell, her little sounds. I am energized and inspired to shower her with my affections and my support. I am so relieved to have another piece of Mom in my life - something tangible and beautiful. Weighing in at under 7 lbs. she is every bit the gem that I imagined and Chris and I could not be happier for Brian and Michelle. Can you tell how proud I am of her already?

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