Thursday, December 13, 2007

Here We Come a Wassailing...

Last Thursday Maeve and I trekked out to Holy Cross to deliver good luck and good munchies to our favorite Crusaders, Katie and Sam. They warmly invited us into their dorm room (lair) and very ungrudgingly shared anything and everything they possibly could with Maeve. By the end of our visit, Maeve was wearing a pair of Sam's high heels which is a direct result of Maeve's shoe fettish. Our visit was completed with a private concert by Holy Cross' Chamber Choir, headed up by Sam's man, Mike. They serenaded Maeve with a rousing rendition of Jingle Bells. It would have brought the house down, had we been inside somewhere but instead we enjoyed the singing mid-campus. It was fabulous. Feeling more than a little guilty that it has taken me so long to get out to Holy Cross to visit Katie, I am assured by the ease of last Thursday's trip that Sam and Katie can expect at least one Spring Semester social call....

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