Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Banner Day

Where do I begin? I arrived home from work tonight to find Chris and Maeve at the kitchen table preparing to fill me in on Maeve's accomplishments for the day. Here they are, both big and small, in no particular order:

1. Maeve walked up the concrete stairs at our back door without any help and without holding on to the side of the house. She just sized them up and started climbing.

2. Maeve recited the days of the week for Chris on the ride home from day care tonight. We had no idea she knew ANY of the days of the week let alone all of them! I must give props to Pat, our awesome day care provider for this one...

3. Maeve can catch a ball now. Seems like it's not a big deal, but it is...

4. And if all of that wasn't enough for one day, as I was in between diapers before putting on Maeve's pajamas, we headed into the bathroom to do "tinkles" on the potty (for which she receives a sticker and has 6 so far), I suggested to her that she also try doing poops (or "poots" as we like to call them). She immediately did her tinkles with a satisfactory grin on her face and then, within 15 seconds of my suggesting she give "poots" a try, there was a small thump in the potty and lo and behold, there it was in all its glory. Her first official "potty poot!" Another sticker for Maeve.

Does it get any better than this? I'm one proud Momma.

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