Thursday, May 1, 2008

And Introducing...Madeleine Sue

Here she is, as promised in all her splendor: Madeleine Sue born to Megan and Jonathan on the last day of April 2008. An absolute beauty to behold - just breathtaking. And a peanut I might add, weighing in at 6 lbs., 3 oz. Mom was a rockstar and Dad a rock of support and everyone is so relieved so know how healthy the new addition is! We are so thrilled to meet Madeleine who is another tangible piece of her maternal grandmother that we can kiss and hug and love to pieces. We can't wait to tell her and show her what a lucky girl she is and wish every good thing for both Megan and Jonathan. Welcome to the blog Madeleine Sue! We love you.

A Tribute

In true fashion, the McNamara family closed April with a bang. Our day began when Megan, Chris' younger sister and her boyfriend Jonathan welcomed into the world a beautiful baby girl, Madeleine Sue around 9 AM (post to follow) and 4 hours later, the family gathered at LaSalle Academy to pay tribute to Mom, keeping her memory alive and vibrant by the planting of a weeping beech tree on the school's campus where she taught for so many years and where Dad continues to teach. There was actually some news coverage of the event and I've posted the link below, hoping it works for you. You'll need to copy and paste it I think. The reporter was Dan Haggerty, a web video journalist for the station and a former LaSalle student:

There were some tears, but mostly lots of fond memories and stories shared about Mom and her courageous battle and what an inspiration she was to so many people. For me, I continue to struggle with her absence, at times, having more difficulty now than I did 6 months ago but it's moments like our time at LaSalle yesterday that provide an outlet for me to miss her and grieve for her in a different way that's not so sad and heavy. The tree is beautiful and should grow up to 75 feet or more if nurtured properly but it certainly isn't as beautiful as Mom and could never be.

I Pledge Rocky Hill Day Care

So last Saturday, I'm driving down Route 44 in Seekonk with Maeve in the back seat. We've just scored a falafel sandwich and we're heading home to share it with Dada for lunch. The nice man at the Greek Pita Market has given Maeve a Tootsie pop for being such a good girl while waiting for the sandwich. Apparently, in the car, Maeve thinks the pop, on its stick, resembles a small flag. So, from out of nowhere (at least for me) she begins waving the "flag" and recites the entire Pledge of Allegiance from start to finish. Unbeknownst to me or Chris, the pledge is said every day at day care which is then followed by a patriotic song. I almost veered off Route 44 I was so taken aback and could not wait to get her home for a repeat performance for Chris. The following clip is actually from the following day and it's not the best footage for making out what she is saying but it's for real people! I think I'd better start taking notes. I could learn a thing or two from this kid...

A Play Date at the Park

A few weeks ago, on a beautiful Spring day, Colleen, Brian and Kate Ladino headed down Seekonk way to join Maeve and I for a stroll through the petting zoo, followed by a romp at the playground. I'd say the day was just about perfect and the kids seemed to really enjoy themselves. While they weren't overly impressed with the petting zoo portion of the day, the massive playground at the top of the hill seemed to be just what they wanted and aside from a 15-minute snack break, they attacked the play structure head on. Here are some shots from our time together.