Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Pledge Rocky Hill Day Care

So last Saturday, I'm driving down Route 44 in Seekonk with Maeve in the back seat. We've just scored a falafel sandwich and we're heading home to share it with Dada for lunch. The nice man at the Greek Pita Market has given Maeve a Tootsie pop for being such a good girl while waiting for the sandwich. Apparently, in the car, Maeve thinks the pop, on its stick, resembles a small flag. So, from out of nowhere (at least for me) she begins waving the "flag" and recites the entire Pledge of Allegiance from start to finish. Unbeknownst to me or Chris, the pledge is said every day at day care which is then followed by a patriotic song. I almost veered off Route 44 I was so taken aback and could not wait to get her home for a repeat performance for Chris. The following clip is actually from the following day and it's not the best footage for making out what she is saying but it's for real people! I think I'd better start taking notes. I could learn a thing or two from this kid...

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Excellent recitation! I knew that little gal was a genius!