Monday, June 30, 2008

Big vs. Cute

So as many of you visitors to our blog probably already know, Chris and I are expecting our second child, due in the beginning of October. This pregnancy is a new animal for me because I am pregnant during the opposite time of the year that I was pregnant with Maeve. This presents some new challenges for me, the least of which would be dealing with the heat and humidity. My wardrobe was certainly lacking in the summer maternity clothes department but I've had many family members and friends step up to make their donations to the cause. We hosted Jen and Katie and Katie's boyfriend, Jon for dinner last night and Jen brought with her a belated birthday gift for me. Probably, the cutest maternity dress I have ever seen. It's the "little black dress" for all the prego women out there. Anyway, I tried it on before Jen left to be sure everything fit correctly and that nothing obscene was falling out. It fit pretty close to perfect and I instantly felt cute, semi-attractive again and somewhat hip if I do say so. I strutted my stuff into Maeve's room where I found Jen and Maeve in the rocking chair reading a few bed time stories. I stood in front of my discriminating audience and asked "isn't this dress super cute?" Jen immediately responded with great satisfaction and poured on the compliments. And when Jen was through I turned to Maeve, seeking her approval which I was pretty convinced I'd get considering how much she loves to dress up herself. Her response? "I don't know about cute Momma, but it's big."

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