Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Cherished Sister

As many of you know, the Moore family kicked off the new year with the wedding of Eileen to Scott! And luckily, the Moore sisters were able to squeeze in a day of fun to celebrate Eileen and how special she is to us. As per Eileen's wishes we kept things simple and as stress-free as possible and pampered ourselves with a manicure, followed by a leisurely dinner at the Melting Pot restaurant in Providence. The day was filled with lots of love and lots of giggles. We're not sure what sort of impression we made on our manicurist who had to endure the Moore girls in a private room for 2 hours straight, but we were so grateful for the day - to be together and to tell Eileen how much we love her.

1 comment:

karen said...

Wow, that looks like fun! I am so glad to hear that the wedding went well! I'd love to hear the details! Blessings to your sister and her new hubby!
Ah, weddings!