Sunday, April 5, 2009

Can You Believe She's 3?

I'm a bit tardy in entering this log on our blogspot but time really does seem to be getting away from me these days. About 3 weeks ago, our little Maeve turned the BIG 3. Perhaps some of my delay in posting is because I'm still in denial that I've known her for 3 whole years (sniffle, sniffle). We kicked the birthday celebration off a little early and although there are any pictures to document it, we had a nice day on Saturday, March 14th made possible by Maeve's Gramp McNamara and Martha who spent time with Michael so that Chris and I could focus our attentions on Maeve. We took her out to lunch and then enjoyed a bike ride through Swan Point Cemetery with a bittersweet visit to Mom's grave. We told Mom all about Maeve turning 3 and shared with her our affections for Michael and our wishes that she could hold his plump little body securely on her lap while planting a big wet kiss on the top of his head. We realize how lucky Maeve is when we visit with Mom at Swan Point because she was fortunate enough to have received some of Mom's tangible love, both heard and felt. What an awesome gift to Maeve.

The festivities continued on the Ides of March in Hanson which WAS documented properly for posterity. Here are some shots below of the lucky Irish lass and her loot!

Birthday cake courtesy of Auntie Jen...

The real reason we're glad Maeve's birthday falls on St. Patrick's Day...

Some gift-giving/receiving snapshots...

No, this is not a duplicate photo of the birthday cake. It's a depiction of Maeve's idea of pre-dinner entitlement on her birthday. Her response to Auntie Jen when she was questioned about the act? "I was hungry." Clever little girl...

Not the most natural of smiles, but it'll do.

We love you Maeve. You're our big girl.

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