Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Night Terrors

I'd have to say Chris and I had one of the most unnerving and traumatic evenings that we've ever had as parents a couple of weeks ago. We found ourselves at the emergency room of Sturdy Memorial Hospital with poor little Maeve at 11 PM following a seizure-like episode that shook Chris and I to our cores. With her cries intensifying by the minute accompanied by facial distortion due to the retraction of her lower jaw and an inability to speak clearly, what we thought may have been a seizure has been more or less ruled as an episode of night terrors. I had never heard of a night terror before this experience and quickly learned of the large distinction between a terror versus a nightmare. There is plenty of research and literature available on the subject and most children grow out of them by about age 8 but I wouldn't wish this experience on any family and have my fingers crossed that our little Maeve doesn't have to endure another one. Although she has no recall of the event, it doesn't make the possibility of another night terror more bearable.


Kevin said...

Bridge and Chris --

I'm sorry to hear that little Maeve (and you) had to experience Night Terrors firsthand. But, if it's any consolation, you're looking at a (fairly) well-adjusted person who dealt with them throughout his childhood.

Hopefully these will be few and far between for Maeve; no matter what, I'm sure you'll handle it just fine. And, in the years to come, you'll be able to look back on it, like my parents, and find some lighthearted moments in those scary nights.

If you ever wanna chat about it, just give me a holler.


Bridget said...

Kev, you're the best. I have a little something for you and yours that I keep meaning to drop in the mail. Keep your eyes out. Just a little something to make you laugh...

Unknown said...

Isabelle had them, too, but thankfully not as severe. My nephew had one that was seizure-like once, and he was also taken to the hospital. Thankfully, they've stopped all around; it is so disconcerting to watch as a parent. The lack of comprehension as you try to talk to them is very upsetting. Here's hoping it was a one time thing, and you don't have to go through it again.