Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Boy...& His Vacuum (Obsession).

It doesn't matter where we are, the minute Michael hears a vacuum, he goes running for it. If he sees a vacuum sitting idle, he's immediately preoccupied with examining it from top to bottom and locating the on/off switch. Chris and I decided to take some video (yes, it's a total set-up; so mean) of Michael getting ready to enjoy one of his favorite activities: reading, only to be rudely interrupted by the sound of our vacuum. Tee hee.


Kevin said...

My favorite part about this video? How he doesn't even look up or turn his head when the vacuum starts -- he's looking at the book, pauses briefly, then: BOOM, he drops it, stands and runs into the hall.

No hesitation. As if that was the plan all along...


kdottiemo said...

I am saving up for a Dyson for his high school graduation present!