Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Halloween

There was tricking and treating had by all this year in the McNamara family. So much so, that my kids had multiple costumes throughout the weekend. Yes, in true McNamara fashion, we managed to spread Halloween over a 4 day period. Go big or go home.

First I give you Maeve - otherwise known as Princess Ariel - at her pre-Halloween celebration at Knotty Pine Nursery School, complete with a parade of all the kids around the neighborhood...

On Thursday night, Maeve chose to switch gears a bit and kick it back in a 2T-sized outfit for Bat Man. I give you, Skin-tight Bat Girl and her reluctant side kick, Elephant, naturally:

And now, for the big reveal on All Hallows Eve, the pièce de résistance, Michael the pirate and the Triumphant return of Ariel...

And what Halloween entry would be complete without a short film on the effects of ingesting a piece of Halloween candy after cleaning your dinner plate? I present the Sticky Tendencies of a Box of Milk Duds...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Great job, Bridge! I love those costumes, and the children in them are spectacular!