Thursday, December 30, 2010

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

What do you get when you cram a bearded man with a guitar and an on-the-spot custom-written potty song, a glass of Cabernet perched precariously on the sink, a 4-year-old reading Eric Carle stories in her bathing suit and sneakers in the bathroom with your 2-year old whom you're trying to coax into doing some token tinkles in his potty for a lousy sticker?


Nothing except a really, really good potty song.


Erika Twohig said...

That was the best potty dong I have ever heard! The backup singers were tremendous. : )

Laura said...

My favorite part was when Michael joined in with the "Oh yeah's". What a wonderful life!

Erika Twohig said...

I am so sorry for that typo!