Saturday, November 19, 2011

Uno, dos, TRES!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. He's 3. Hard to believe we've been entertained by this guy for only 3 years when it seems as though he's always been with us. I suppose in spirit, he has. And thank God for that. You have made us complete Michael. We are forever grateful and forever in love.

Not to be Outdone

Approximately 30 minutes after Maeve hopped off the school bus from her first day of Kindergarten, her brother, Michael very deftly stole the spotlight by log-rolling off of our bed and onto our wood floor, breaking his right clavicle on the way down.

Here he is, sporting his figure-eight harness, compliments of Sturdy Memorial Hospital:

And how was he feeling 48 hours after the injury? Why don't you see for yourself:


Where did the time go? I still remember the songs that played on the hospital's Muzak system the night the nurse suggested I walk around a bit to encourage the labor process along. She weighed less than 6 pounds and we had to feed her with a syringe for weeks after she was born like she was a tiny bird. And now, our bird has just discovered she has wings. And for the next 15 years, she'll exercise those wings so that she'll be able to take off on her own and hopefully, not look back. We'll be watching her though (even if it's behind a pair of sunglasses in the pouring rain) and holding our breaths that she continues to succeed and grow the way she has these last 5 and 1/2 years. Our little baby, our little fledgling, our Maeve. And so it begins: Kindergarten.

Our "farwell" picture with Pat at Rocky Hill Family Day Care...

The big day..

Goodnight Irene

Five days without electricity. Running to the basement during the worst of the storm because we (well, mostly Chris) were worried the large tree in front was going to come down squarely onto our roof. Bridget falling asleep in the basement because 1) Chris told us to go down there and 2) what else is there to do in a dark basement while you're lying on the floor waiting for the power to be restored? However, we braved the storm and ended up with lots of firewood for the wintertime. So, thanks Irene - for saving us the money we would have otherwise spent on a cord of wood.


And so I found myself encouraging Chris to pick out whatever tent he wanted (within reason) as a gift for his 40th birthday because I knew we couldn't put off the experience of "family camping" any longer. So we bought a tent, packed up our things and headed for Freeport, ME (dangerously close to toilets that flushed, outlet stores and Starbucks). It was at the Recompence campground that we pitched our home for the night. The kids had a blast, Chris had fun when he wasn't dealing with me and for myself? I think I need to put some more camping experiences under my belt to REALLY appreciate it. Here are some pics from our excursion.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Together Again

Although not at our fullest potential, the Chatham loyalists did their best to represent those that could not be with us this summer for our annual Scarborough love-fest. At the close of each Chatham gathering, I am warm and fuzzy all over and surrounded by the promise that true friendships are not forced or posed or judged by those that forge them, the noble way. Eight friendships based on mutual love, admiration and respect have blossomed into some of the best times of our adults lives. Jen, Larissa and Meg - you and yours were missed but not forgotten. We did our best to roll out the welcome mat for little Lucy as we anticipated whether the next welcome mat would be a shade of blue or pink. Hats off to Jodi and Kevin. We are forever grateful.

Chris and I continue to be enriched by these good, good friends. Here's to the holidays with all of you. Cheers!