Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Together Again

Although not at our fullest potential, the Chatham loyalists did their best to represent those that could not be with us this summer for our annual Scarborough love-fest. At the close of each Chatham gathering, I am warm and fuzzy all over and surrounded by the promise that true friendships are not forced or posed or judged by those that forge them, the noble way. Eight friendships based on mutual love, admiration and respect have blossomed into some of the best times of our adults lives. Jen, Larissa and Meg - you and yours were missed but not forgotten. We did our best to roll out the welcome mat for little Lucy as we anticipated whether the next welcome mat would be a shade of blue or pink. Hats off to Jodi and Kevin. We are forever grateful.

Chris and I continue to be enriched by these good, good friends. Here's to the holidays with all of you. Cheers!

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