Monday, July 28, 2008

Zucchini at Large

So my employer and his wife bought a home on the Vineyard last summer and one of their new favorite pastimes is growing yummy vegetables in their garden in the island. With so many vegetables and so little time (and tummies) to enjoy them, the staff at our office often times reaps the benefits of such delicacies! Last week, as I turned the corner to my cubicle, the first thing to greet me was a zucchini. This was not, however, your average zucchini. But rather, a zucchini to rival all other zucchinis. A zucchini with its own area code. I took a moment to enjoy its grandeur as I doubled over with laughter. My eyes had never before (and may never again) seen a zucchini as massive in size as this one. For those of you who harbor any suspicions concerning my story, I present to you two pictures: the zucchini and the zucchini with a point of reference.

We broke into the zucchini last night as a sauteuse of ratatouille simmered away on my stove top. Only a third of the zucchini was harmed in the making of this dish. For the other two-thirds of the zucchini? A world of possibilities awaits. A huge, and I mean huge, bit of thanks to my boss and his wife for the generosity in sharing the bounty of their labors. They certainly set a standard that I doubt any market will match!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Road-Trip Wedding

Husband entry number one. I've been asked to provide an account of a recent road trip. The pressure is on for 2 reasons. Bridget's entries are great. Secondly, our friend Teresa's entries on her blog are really great, not to mention a beautiful account by Teresa's husband Pepper on the birth of their second child. Hence the pressure on this husband to write, and make it good!

The invite arrived a few months ago. One of my high school friends, Rick, was getting married. I hadn't heard from Rick in years. Calls went out. Doug and his wife Ally can go... Ted and his wife Sara can go... Bridge and I will go.
Soon enough the wives were out for various reasons, except for Ally! I found a new date, my good friend Chris Paci (a good friend of Rick's also) and we were on our way to Maine. Doug and Ally were going to stay in Boston after the wedding so Chris, Ted and I would drive separately.
3 hours, 1 pee stop, 1 stop to put on dress clothes and we were there. Beautiful drive down a dirt road, past the pond, and parked. We walked under the tall Maine pines to the service on the banks of the pond where we spotted a rope swing hanging from 2 huge pines. After about an hour (or two) at the reception, a beer (or two) a shot (or two) we discussed the rope swing. The "locals" said one person had done it last year and swung far enough out to land in the middle of the pond. "Sounds good, Mac... one person is a success story... give it a try." "Okay" I said. A boost from my friends... up the rope... barely hanging on. "Let him go,"... I think I swung out about 20 feet, I wasn't even over water so I couldn't let go. Swinging back I couldn't hold the rope. Burning hands... thud! Roots up close, dirt, bleeding hands. Nice wedding dance. Sorry Rick.
It didn't put a damper on the party though. We celebrated for a while with Rick and his bride Jessica, laughed about old memories, and new ones. And luckily Ted drove home, while we laughed...and slept.

This report has been edited for family and responsible friends. No names have been changed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Ladies Who Brunch

Yesterday, Eileen and I headed to Charlestown where we were treated to a delightful brunch hosted by our good friend, Jen Meaney, who is newly engaged to her beau, Marco Tieri. Marco and Jen live in a gorgeous condominium right near the Navy Yard in a complex known as Parris Landing. We spent several hours catching up on wedding plans between Eileen and Jen as well indulged in quiche and french toast casserole. Yum! We are already looking forward to the next "sisters gathering" and look forward to updates from the brides-to-be as they make their wedding plans! To true love!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Long Lost Pals

We've had the pleasure of hosting our old family member, Jake, for the last couple of weeks while Chris' Dad is away on the West Coast. Maeve is enjoying it thoroughly, probably more than Jake, and I caught her spending some quiet time with him out in the back yard...

Borrowed Motto: Enfield, NH...The Way Life Should Be

So basically, we spent the first half of last week just counting down the days to the second half of last week which was a trip up to Enfield, NH to spend a couple of nights with Brian, Michelle and Audrey at the summer home of Michelle's sister, Melissa and her husband, Walt. We have made several summer trips up there now and the 2008 trip ranks right up there among the best. We were also joined (or I should say, we joined) our first night, but Michelle's mother, Sandra and her boyfriend, George which was a real bonus, as we don't get to see them very often and we were welcomed by them and ate a delicious meal Sandra and George made for our first night there. After putting the kids to bed, Brian and Chris made the (early) decision to retire as well to rest up for their 9-hole golf game the following morning. Michelle and I tried to rally as best we could under the circumstances and chatted away for a good hour or so with her Mom but eventually we realized that the kids, Maeve and Audrey, would show no mercy in the morning and our dreams of sleeping in were pretty much non-existent. Our second day/night there, July 4th, was again, perfection from start to finish. The sun shone bright all day long and we again logged some serious time lakeside with the kids. Audrey reminded me of a little motor boat each time her legs hit the water. She would motor along, grunting and screaming, having the time of her life. Maeve on the other hand was a bit more timid and basically wanted to be clinging to someone at all times but it was a good experience for her and we'll try to get her some more water time before the summer is out. We cooked up some grilled pizzas for dinner and then watched some fireworks fly across Mascoma Lake. What is better than that I ask? Maeve was again somewhat nervous and therefore, clingy once the fireworks show started but overall I think she enjoyed it and it reminded her of a scene from one of her favorite Olivia books. It was honestly difficult to leave for home (reality) on Saturday after having such a spoiled time together but it certainly allowed us to appreciate the chance to sit back and relax and take a break from all the day-in, day-out stuff that occupies us so intensely. Three cheers for Enfield, NH and thanks again to the Wylands for making it all possible! Here are some pics and some lake footage...