Monday, July 28, 2008

Zucchini at Large

So my employer and his wife bought a home on the Vineyard last summer and one of their new favorite pastimes is growing yummy vegetables in their garden in the island. With so many vegetables and so little time (and tummies) to enjoy them, the staff at our office often times reaps the benefits of such delicacies! Last week, as I turned the corner to my cubicle, the first thing to greet me was a zucchini. This was not, however, your average zucchini. But rather, a zucchini to rival all other zucchinis. A zucchini with its own area code. I took a moment to enjoy its grandeur as I doubled over with laughter. My eyes had never before (and may never again) seen a zucchini as massive in size as this one. For those of you who harbor any suspicions concerning my story, I present to you two pictures: the zucchini and the zucchini with a point of reference.

We broke into the zucchini last night as a sauteuse of ratatouille simmered away on my stove top. Only a third of the zucchini was harmed in the making of this dish. For the other two-thirds of the zucchini? A world of possibilities awaits. A huge, and I mean huge, bit of thanks to my boss and his wife for the generosity in sharing the bounty of their labors. They certainly set a standard that I doubt any market will match!

1 comment:

Teresita said...

That's nothing.

Stop by and see the phallic tomatoes Pepper is growing.