Saturday, July 26, 2008

Road-Trip Wedding

Husband entry number one. I've been asked to provide an account of a recent road trip. The pressure is on for 2 reasons. Bridget's entries are great. Secondly, our friend Teresa's entries on her blog are really great, not to mention a beautiful account by Teresa's husband Pepper on the birth of their second child. Hence the pressure on this husband to write, and make it good!

The invite arrived a few months ago. One of my high school friends, Rick, was getting married. I hadn't heard from Rick in years. Calls went out. Doug and his wife Ally can go... Ted and his wife Sara can go... Bridge and I will go.
Soon enough the wives were out for various reasons, except for Ally! I found a new date, my good friend Chris Paci (a good friend of Rick's also) and we were on our way to Maine. Doug and Ally were going to stay in Boston after the wedding so Chris, Ted and I would drive separately.
3 hours, 1 pee stop, 1 stop to put on dress clothes and we were there. Beautiful drive down a dirt road, past the pond, and parked. We walked under the tall Maine pines to the service on the banks of the pond where we spotted a rope swing hanging from 2 huge pines. After about an hour (or two) at the reception, a beer (or two) a shot (or two) we discussed the rope swing. The "locals" said one person had done it last year and swung far enough out to land in the middle of the pond. "Sounds good, Mac... one person is a success story... give it a try." "Okay" I said. A boost from my friends... up the rope... barely hanging on. "Let him go,"... I think I swung out about 20 feet, I wasn't even over water so I couldn't let go. Swinging back I couldn't hold the rope. Burning hands... thud! Roots up close, dirt, bleeding hands. Nice wedding dance. Sorry Rick.
It didn't put a damper on the party though. We celebrated for a while with Rick and his bride Jessica, laughed about old memories, and new ones. And luckily Ted drove home, while we laughed...and slept.

This report has been edited for family and responsible friends. No names have been changed.

1 comment:

Teresita said...

Excellent Husband Entry #1!