Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on #2

Today I went for my weekly check-up while little Maeve spent some quality time with A-ka Mac (Chris' sister, Katie). The appointment involved an ultrasound for the purpose of taking some measurements and checking fluid (sounds like an auto body shop) and then to see the doctor. Here's what I learned after today's visit:

1. The baby is no longer breech (three days ago, during a non-stress test at the hospital we learned the baby was breech and the topic of "external version" reared its ugly head). Of course, with 5 or 6 weeks to go, anything could change, but I'm proud of #2 for perhaps sensing that Mom was a bit nervous about this and getting himself/herself into proper position.

2. The baby has a head full of hair. Now this I'm truly curious about and was very dubious of the technician when the news was shared with me. First of all, Maeve had little to no hair at birth and second of all, how the hell can you detect hair on an ultrasound picture? The technician responded by stating, "honey, I've been doing this for 25 years and I know a head of hair when I see one." She then proceeded to print out a "hair photo" to drive the point home. I'm still confused.

3. I lost a pound since my last visit. Not what I was expecting to hear but I'll take it!

4. The baby's current weight is somewhere around 5 lbs., 9 oz. Shouldn't raise too many red flags for expecting parents in this day and age, however, when your first kid weighed only 5 lbs., 14 oz. at birth and you still have 5 or 6 weeks to go and the technician looks you dead in the eyes and says, "this is a big baby," there is some cause for alarm. They are predicting I'll deliver between 7 and 8 lbs. which is pretty average these days. I just hope I can explain this to my lady-parts as they are stretched beyond my wildest dreams. Epidural anyone?

Not sure if these will make sense to you, but...


What the...?

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