Sunday, August 3, 2008

Adieu Green Monster

No, the Red Sox organization hasn't decided to tear down the famous green wall out in left field. The McNamaras, however, HAVE decided to (finally) dispose of the green shag carpet (circa 1975) that has covered their beautiful oak floors in the living for long enough. Yes, the living room is our next home improvement project in the long line of projects that we've laid out for ourselves since moving to Pershing Avenue four years ago. Nothing major in mind - just some updates including a coat of fresh paint, exposing the wood flooring and removal of the scalloped ceiling design. I'll try to remember to post some updates as we go. Our goal of course is to finish before baby #2 arrives. We'll see if that actually happens. But, if Chris has anything to do with it, our chances are pretty good. Is anyone in need of a really big piece of green shag carpet? Place your orders now...

1 comment:

Teresita said...

Not the Green Shag Carpet!!!!

How can you trade that for hard wood floors?

Some people have no taste.