Monday, September 8, 2008

Tried and True

A few weeks ago, Chris and Maeve and I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with my two friends of about 30 years (!), Tina and Karen and their families. I am so grateful to Tina and her husband Chris for arranging the day and for being so hospitable. It felt so good just sitting and talking and laughing and catching up on things. I am also grateful to Karen for snapping these photos of the kids, because although I brought my camera for the same purpose, I think I was just too busy relaxing and chatting the afternoon away. We were also joined by Matt Freda, Chris' brother which was an added treat and I know the kids had a blast running through the sprinkler and walking down to the cranberry bog. It turns out that Tina and I work very close to one another and on the same two days of the week, so I'm hoping I can pop in and see her one of these days after work! Thanks again to the Fredas for such an easy, enjoyable time and thanks also to Karen for the yummy zucchini bread which we ate in one sitting the following morning for breakfast!

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