Saturday, May 16, 2009

65 Years And Stronger Than Ever

On Sunday May 10, 2009, while many of your were celebrating Mother's Day, the McNamara Clan was celebrating what I'd like to think is a miracle of sorts. The 65th wedding anniversary of Chris' grandparents, Kay & Bill. Over a yummy dinner, surrounded by family and 1 or 2 extra special friends, Nana & Gramp held Court and allowed us to sit with them, in awe of how they have accomplished such a feat. Ever humble, they spent most of their time that afternoon shifting the attention from themselves and placing it on those around them, including 4 of their great-grandchildren. What can I say about this pair of eternal love birds? I am inspired by their devotion to one-another and encouraged by the knowledge that in some cases, true love does conquer all. Cheers Nana & Gramp!

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