Thursday, August 27, 2009

Toddy Time

On August 12th, we headed up to join my parents at their summer rental in Penobscot, Maine.  A lovely little place on Toddy Pond - thus, the title of this blog.  We stayed three nights there with the entire family and it was superb to say the least.  Although the drive was longer than we imagined it to be, it was worth every mile traveled and I'm not going to lie when I write that the portable DVD player we borrowed from a close friend made all the difference.  Another saving grace on our journey north was the pit stop we made in Bowdoinham, ME at the home of Chris' cousin, Devan and her husband, Herb.  When we arrived, we were greeted by what appeared to be a Thanksgiving spread on their picnic table.  I imagined just chomping on some PB&J sandwiches, but instead we dined on deli sandwiches and fresh pasta and vegetable salads, washed down with some Casal Garcia.  Thank you Bailey Family!  here are some shots of our time at Toddy, beginning with our Maeve transfixed by the TV screen before her estate...


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