Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Michael!

Somewhere amidst the illness that plagued our family for a little over a week, my little boy turned 1-year-old.  Although Maeve's first few years went by rather quickly for us,  Michael's first year was gone in a flash.  He has developed so much, even in the last few weeks or so and I wish I could cast some sort of a spell on him to slow down his progress - just for a little while. I'm almost certain that when he takes his first few steps, they'll be more like gallops.  

Unfortunately no one was feeling 100% when it came time to enjoy something sweet after dinner but this video was taken at 6 AM on his birthday and as you will observe, even at the crack of dawn, he seems quite pleased with himself.

I have compiled below a list of some of Michael's "firsts" and also some of the things that make him most happy in the life he has fervently lived thus far..

Dad: Da
Mom: Mah, mah, mah, get the idea
Maeve: Mae
Uh Oh: Ah-o
Banana: Na-na-na

Next we have a couple of samplings of some of his responses to certain questions or cues:

What does the dog/bird/fish/kitty/elepant/horse/sheep/or just about any other animal roaming the planet say?  uh-uh
Favorite foods (in no particular order): 

Goldfish crackers, tofu nuggets, shredded wheat cereal, pancakes, blueberries, dried cherries, prunes, banana, raisins, PB&J sandwiches, cheerios, yogurt, meatballs, avocado, cheese, peas, carrots (cooked of course), broccoli (well-done), applesauce, pears
These are a few of his favorite things (again, in no special order):

Remote controls (it really IS a guy thing)
Favorite activities:

Rocking back and forth from the moment you place him in his high chair until the moment he is released from his high chair
Reading books
Being outside 
Riding on his Dad's shoulders
Ripping his Mom's glasses off her face
Looking out the window
Going for rides in his red plastic sports car
Beating the you-know-what out of Chris' guitar while he's playing it (I like to call it "percussion")
Climbing stairs
Opening his Mom's night stand drawers (and then shutting his meaty fingers in them)
Throwing food on the floor 
Racing to the bathroom to begin unraveling the toilet paper roll before anyone else can get in there
Yanking his birdies out of their toy birdhouse and then stuffing them back inside 

Sign language:

No (it figures...)
Michael, we love you like the dickens and are so proud of who you've become in such a short period of time.  You amaze us every day and command our love like no other.  Happy Birthday little one.  Love, Mom, Dad and Maeve

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