Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Maeve's Musing, H1N1 Style

Today I took the kiddos to the pediatrician's office for their somewhat controversial H1N1 vaccination. Because Maeve is 3 1/2, she is eligible for the nasal mist (lucky her) versus the good old injection. Unlike most trips to the doctor's office for vaccinations, I chose not to discuss today's visit with Maeve ahead of time. In fact, I didn't even tell her where we were going when we got in the car. As we pulled into the parking lot of Dr. Douglas' office, Maeve quickly inquired as to why we were there. I explained that we were there so that Michael could get a "flu" shot and perhaps she might get a special spray on her nose while we were hanging out. I immediately sensed skeptical silence emanating from the back seat, but we proceeded inside anyway. To summarize for you: Maeve endured the "misting" with flying colors and the nurse and I informed her that she did such a "big girl" job, we'd come back in a month for another round (yippee). Michael, staying true to himself based on previous inoculations, screamed bloody murder for about 30 seconds and gave anyone who looked his way, the nastiest glare I've ever seen. As we traipsed back to the car, I asked Maeve what did she think was better, the shot or the spray? She answered, "Mom, I think staying home is better."


Colleen said...

Maeve's got it goin on!

Erika Twohig said...

I am with Maeve on this one!

Joanna Powers said...

We have been battling H1N1 for over 9 days now - Patrick got it at school, he is still recouping, I have it so does tell Maeve and Micheal nice job!!!!