Thursday, February 11, 2010

Slave to Love

Life's pretty good when you're a 3-year-old who's been Valentine's Day party hopping all week. She's been so looking forward to this week and there was a period of time when we wondered if she'd make it to either party with the threat of the Nor'easter looming. But, the weather proved to be no match for Seekonk and Maeve enjoyed party #1 at Knotty Pine Nursery School this morning. Tomorrow it's off to Rocky Hill Day Care for party #2. Here are some shots of the little party-goer readying her love notes for the morning. She's been working hard at her writing skills. Put a little love in your heart people.


Colleen said...

That is a "Bridget" look in the bottom picture, if I'VE ever seen one! Also, nice work on the penmanship, Maeve!

Jodi Shea said...

Maeve is a fantastic writer!!! She is just too cute and we can't wait to see you guys again soon. I'm thinking a spring event is needed!!! BTW, your kitchen looks AWESOME!!!!

Bridget said...

Jods, thanks so much for your kind words! We should have our countertop and sink some time next week!!! We really do miss you guys too. I was actually thinking the other day, is it too early to book our room for August? No joke. IN the meantime though, a "spring fling" sounds pretty good to me.