Thursday, October 7, 2010

He's Two!

Michael Brennan turned Two years old on October 6th! We began our birthday celebration over the weekend in Hanson and of course, I forgot my camera but I believe pictures were snapped and if I can, I'll try to add them to this post at a later date. On his actual birthday, we enjoyed a homemade pizza dinner and were joined in our celebrating by Gramp and Auntie Erin. Michael scored a homemade sweater from Na, a pirate playground set, some pirate accessories from Auntie Lee and Uncle Scott, a new Bruins hoodie for the upcoming hockey season, some Thomas the Train "train cars" to add to our existing collection (which he has been enjoying non-stop) and some really special books from Gramp and Martha. Michael, we can't believe you are two now and we're astounded by your charm, your wit, your wisdom and your love. You are our beautiful boy and we love you...all the time.

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