Sunday, April 8, 2007

Celebrating Easter Eve...

These days, with kid in tow, it is more difficult to fit both sides of the family in for visits in one day so we made the wise decision to travel to Hanson on Easter Eve and enjoy a brunch in Providence on Easter Sunday. Our footage from Sunday's visit with be posted a bit later in our blog as I chose to use a more traditional medium to capture the day - our non-digital, 35 mm camera. Our visit to Hanson, however, was captured on the digital and we had a great day. We were missing Lee and Scott who had traveled down to NJ for the weekend but we tried to make the most of it and had a really nice day. Here is a shot of Maeve with two of her Moore aunts (Auntie Katie fresh from Ft. Lauderdale) and here is a short clip of Maeve enjoying her first slice of carrot cake and as usual, Nana Moore is barely able to keep up with her feeding frenzy. The "bonus" of this footage is the story told by Nana Moore (one of the greatest story-tellers of our time) as Maeve stuffs herself. Sorry Auntie Jen...

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