Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Making "Great" Memories

While I headed north to attend the bridal shower of an old college pal, Maeve and her Dad made a day of it and headed southeast to the dwelling place of Nana & Gramp in East Greenwich. My impression of the visit, judging from these photos and video clips is that Maeve blew in there like a tornado, yelled a bit, banged on a few choice artifacts, stuffed herself some and blew on out! I'm hoping, however, that my suspicions are more harsh and embellished than what really took place. Chris and I hope there will be many more of those moments to come for Maeve...

Gramp learns to communicate with Maeve in her native tongue of "Maeve-ish."

Nana, miraculously, gets Maeve to sit still for most of a book reading...

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