Sunday, April 8, 2007

Maeve Goes to the Zoo...

What better way to celebrate the first day of Spring than to take my one-year-old to the zoo? And what better zoo to take a one-year-old to than the Capron Park & Zoo, one of the best tips ever received by me from a dear friend of mine, Joanna Powers. It's a no-brainer people. Maeve's price of admission? Zilch. Mom's? $3.50. Come on now! The zoo is small enough that you can realistically do it in under a hour and a half and at the end of the journey is a playground with plenty of picnic tables to eat a packed lunch. We especially enjoyed the otter exhibit and we also had the opportunity to feed the llamas, although I basically had to pry Maeve's fingers open in order to get the feed to the "starving" llama. Here are some highlights from the visit!

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