Monday, July 2, 2007

Aquarium Adventure

We decided to say goodbye to June and usher in July with a trip to the New England Aquarium. A Beantown fixture that I haven't visited in a solid 15-20 years. Thanks to Scott's Aunt Marge all six adults (Mom, Dad, Eileen, Scott, Chris and myself) had free admission and of course, you-know-who is under age 3 so she was free. The Aquarium was pretty much how I remember it to be and fortunately for it (we had heard it was having some financial difficulties), there were plenty of people who had the same idea that we did that day. Maeve was pretty much wowed by everything she saw including the little "petting" tank which was packed with kids. Here are some shots from our visit:

Then came the burning question: Where should we grab lunch? The answer was pretty easy considering we had all parked in the same pay garage right next to the aquarium. So we headed across the street to Legal Sea Foods and enjoyed lots of fresh sea food and some spirits. Dad and I got kind of fancy and ordered a couple of Mojitos which we enjoyed. And you'll see below, that someone else found satisfaction in the decorative stick of sugar cane from Dad's drink:

A shot of the budding marine biologist before we even hit Route 93 South...

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