Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Muggle Women and the Party of the Fortnight by K-Mo

At precisely 3:00 in the afternoon, three of the four Moore sisters united at The Crossings – a location neither here nor there – between towns, really. Though it was a gathering of muggle women who knew nothing of the wizarding world, there was no match for their enthusiasm, bright enough to conjure the most powerful of Patronuses…. They tried, they really tried. Bridget, Katie, and the hostess, Eileen, giddily chatted about the night’s forthcoming, wonderous events. Jennifer finally arrived, notorious for her fashionable lateness that spans all cultures and magical aptitude.

Without much further hesitation, the witches snacked as if entranced by the Imperius Curse. Bridget conjured some fantastic potato skins. Whilst this occurred, Katie sorted each student of the Arts into their respective houses (or foreign-exchange school in Jen’s case.) Katie was placed in Ravenclaw because, well, she’s bloody clever. Eileen, brave for hosting this questionable affair, was swiftly placed in Gryffindor House; Jennifer was recognized as the ambassador from Beauxbatons School; and with a darkly uttered “Slytherin,” Bridget became one with the House known for its frequent turnout of dark wizards. Why? Her child, Maeve Malfoy McNamara, can speak Parseltongue: “Sssss…” Chris had better watch out.

All sisters donned their magical regalia and watched the most recent two movies about their favorite wizard-classmate, Harry Potter. Every once in awhile, one could hear a gentle flop as a wizard-hat tipped and fell off a head that was, unsurprisingly, intently and steadily watching the film. One could see that they were amateurs, but amateurs with such passion inside.

Then, they ate an energizing meal of Cho Chang’s Tearful Teriyaki Chicken…

…and practiced…

Confundio! Stupefy! Expelliarmus! Wingardium Leviosa!

Try as they might to master the magical arts in a mere seven hours, the Moore sisters dabbled in a magic stronger than any spell can conjure: that of sisterly bonding by means of a nerdy interest. No one dares to mess with these madams (or whatever the plural is; Jennifer would know.)

Finally, they just couldn’t stand their mediocrity and fatigue any longer, and the night’s ceremonies drew to a close. Bridget left to tend to her gifted child and courageous husband, Chris Harry Potter McNamara, and Katie and Jen followed her out the door soon after. Eileen was left to prod away the mess they all had made with her chopstick-wand….

As Jen and Katie crossed the street to their cars, daringly sporting their wizarding costume, they walked past a troop of four strangers. Goodness knows they laughed. But Jennifer, turning back towards the road with a look of mixed disgust and triumph, thought, Who are the muggles now?” And she clomped away in her wedged high-heels, smiling in a satisfied sort of way.

The next morning...

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