Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Life as Maeve Knows It

As I was trying to fall asleep last night, I began to reflect on the nice day Maeve had and how much she has already learned during her short life. So, I decided, since I am horrible at keeping a baby book for her, I should give everyone, including her, the low down on her likes/dislikes, vocabulary, and overall quirkiness thus far....

The following is a list of her current (we're talking as of today's date) vocabulary:

Dada: Da-da
Momma: Mah
Nana: Nah
Gramp: Da
Grampa: Pa (sometimes Papa)
Thank you: Eh-uh
Please: Pa, pa, pa
Pasta: Pa-ha
Down: Dow-nah
All done: Ah-duh
Uh Oh: Ah-o
Banana: Na-na-na
Aunt Katie: A-ka
Elmo: Eh-mo
Vacuum: Daaaaa da da (yes, that's one long Da and two short das)
Next we have a couple of samplings of some of her responses to certain questions or cues:

What does the snake say? sssssssss....

What does the dog/bird/fish/kitty/elepant/horse/sheep/or just about any other animal roaming the planet with the exception of the snake say? ummm-ummm (this comes out sort of like a throaty grunting sound)
Favorite foods (in no particular order):

Black beans, pasta, chicken/tuna salad (usually), tofu nuggets (really!), shredded wheat cereal, pancakes, spinach/feta quiche, pineapple, blueberries (although we recently learned that she basically swallows these whole - as we watched them one by one, float to the surface of the water in her bathtub - rendering them nutrition-less), banana, raisins, most sweets
These are a few of HER favorite things (again, in no special order):

Balls (bouncy or not, any size, any color)
Shoes (this inclues cowboy boots and sandals)
Favorite activities:

Reading books
Being outside (it doesn't matter what she is doing)
Watching birds with Gramp Mac
Running up and down the ramp and Nana and Gramp Mac's
Dancing to Vince Gill (hmmm...) with Grampa Moore
Getting pushed on the swing by Grampa Moore
Tuesdays with Aka Mac
Standing on both her Dad's and Grampa Moore's guitar cases
Climbing stairs
Opening Momma's jewelry drawer
Standing on the rocking chair (only after we've told her not to)
Smiling and waving at Momma/Dada in the rearview mirror
Chasing Jake around the house/yard
Throwing food on the floor when she has had enough of it
Eating her Dad's cereal

If I have left anything out, please feel free to e-mail me (you know who you are) and I will gladly add to this compilation.

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