Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Modern Day Family Portrait

Here we are - The McNamaras. On a typical weeknight, this is what you'll find if you stumble through our door. Chris and I sporting our school sweatshirts (which probably don't get washed as often as they should) and Maeve, being notoriously difficult at giving us a decent photo. Good times...

Quiet Time

What's better than some quiet time with Dada?

Table for Two

A romantic dinner for two? You be the judge...

Drum Roll Please

And for all those of you who have been anxiously awaiting the reveal of the new bathroom (and who were so sweet to ask about our progress - you know who you are), here it is in all its sparkling glory! Next time you're in the area, come in for a sit on our potty and take it all in...

Actually, this picture doesn't include the custom-made radiator cover which is now installed. Just to tease you a little bit...

Getting Our Nana Fix

A visit to Kingston not too long ago was just what we needed and Nan was gracious enough to let me pick her brain about days gone by and even record the interview for posterity! Here are a couple of shots from our time with Nana...

A Romp Through Caratunk

After the holidays we were really craving for some low key, low budget activities and remembered that not far from home (in Seekonk, in fact) is an Audubon wildlife refuge called Caratunk with really fun trails, bog, old trees and even a few streams here and there. It being the middle of winter, there weren't many birds to be spotted but despite the overcast sky and the chill in the air, we weren't the only ones looking for an outdoor fix....

Christmas 2007 - Christmas in Hanson

(Maeve on her way to Hanson for Christmas - The Sequel)

Days later, we headed to Hanson because, of course, there was Christmas to be had there as well! And as I suspected it was basically a Maeve-fest. I have never seen a more spoiled child than my daughter at Christmas time which Is why all of the pictures I took are of her because the gifts just kept on coming. See for yourselves...

Much like her Dad Maeve insisted upon putting each new article of clothing on as she unwrapped them so the ritual of present opening had kind of a "cat walk" feel to it if that's possible...

Maeve's longest and greatest obsession: Ferdinand the Bull (also known as "dah-mah-mah" which is Maeve's pronunciation of his name), fueled by Pa (also known as Dad) who even went so far as to find iron-on Ferdinand patches on-line and made tee shirts for Maeve. Are you kidding me here?

Maeve gives big love to her new dolly from Great Nana Rafferty...

Christmas 2007 - Christmas Day in Providence

As I braced myself for what I was certain would be an emotionally wrought holiday, we arrived at Dad's place in Providence around 10 AM to begin the day's festivities. Christmas was probably Mom's most favorite holiday and no one that I know of was better at adorning their home with all the right holiday touches than Mom. She was also one of the smartest and most thoughtful holiday shoppers there was. But truth be told, her spirit was with us throughout the house and she would have been so proud of Dad if she had seen his efforts to decorate their home and make it what she would have wanted it to be. He filled it with every bit of love that we needed and as a result, there really wasn't time for tears. Yes, there were moments of quiet reflection, but each was permeated again and again with the sounds of Maeve and her cousin Audrey - just what Mom would have wanted.

Maeve sports her new purple slippers from Great Nana and Great Gramp...

And gets acquainted with Eli, her new furry friend from Auntie Erin and Chris (yes, we named him that day, long before we knew the Giants would win the superbowl...):

Erin and Chris (givers of Eli)...

The newlyweds, Katie and Olase taking some time to open a gift or two...

Michelle admiring a hand made sweater for little Audrey...

Audrey logging some time with her Great Nana...

Ah, the somewhat-forced-but-oh-so-necessary "cousins at Christmas" photo opportunity..

Christmas 2007 - Christmas Morn'

Knowing we wouldn't have far to travel Christmas day, we decided this year to sleep at our own home on Christmas Eve so that Maeve could have her first "Christmas at home" experience. WE didn't have too many things for her to open - just a few books, which are among some of her favorite things and we hope she'll never tire of them. Maeve and Chris perused the new selection while I snuck a few photos...

Christmas 2007 - Trimming the Tree

So Chris and Maeve headed out for the annual chopping down of the McNamara Christmas tree and I'd have to say it was a success. We picked out a tree that was slightly smaller (shorter) than we usually do but I found it to be the perfect size for us and for Maeve. We pulled out the box of ornaments for what I expected to be a sort of unceremonious event but soon realized that Maeve was now of an age where all things discovered by her and experienced by her are and will become brand new for me. It was probably the best tree-decorating experience I have ever had. Each ornament that made its debut from the dusty box commanded some sort of exclamation from Maeve whether it was a "oooooh" or an "ahhhh" or just a general gasp for more air. What is better than that, I ask you?

The perfectionist:

Maeve admiring her work:

One last change before bathtime....ahhh...perfect!

My apologies...

So I realize it appears that the McNamaras may have fallen off the face of the earth, but in fact, we are still here and things are goin' fine. I've just been super busy and super lax about updating the blog (I won't even try to make up an excuse at this point). I hope we haven't lost all of you faithful visitors and I hope to be much better about keeping this thing up to date. Something tells me I may have found myself in this situation before but I truly will try to make a more concerted effort here. And away we go!