Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Christmas 2007 - Christmas Day in Providence

As I braced myself for what I was certain would be an emotionally wrought holiday, we arrived at Dad's place in Providence around 10 AM to begin the day's festivities. Christmas was probably Mom's most favorite holiday and no one that I know of was better at adorning their home with all the right holiday touches than Mom. She was also one of the smartest and most thoughtful holiday shoppers there was. But truth be told, her spirit was with us throughout the house and she would have been so proud of Dad if she had seen his efforts to decorate their home and make it what she would have wanted it to be. He filled it with every bit of love that we needed and as a result, there really wasn't time for tears. Yes, there were moments of quiet reflection, but each was permeated again and again with the sounds of Maeve and her cousin Audrey - just what Mom would have wanted.

Maeve sports her new purple slippers from Great Nana and Great Gramp...

And gets acquainted with Eli, her new furry friend from Auntie Erin and Chris (yes, we named him that day, long before we knew the Giants would win the superbowl...):

Erin and Chris (givers of Eli)...

The newlyweds, Katie and Olase taking some time to open a gift or two...

Michelle admiring a hand made sweater for little Audrey...

Audrey logging some time with her Great Nana...

Ah, the somewhat-forced-but-oh-so-necessary "cousins at Christmas" photo opportunity..

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