Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Christmas 2007 - Christmas in Hanson

(Maeve on her way to Hanson for Christmas - The Sequel)

Days later, we headed to Hanson because, of course, there was Christmas to be had there as well! And as I suspected it was basically a Maeve-fest. I have never seen a more spoiled child than my daughter at Christmas time which Is why all of the pictures I took are of her because the gifts just kept on coming. See for yourselves...

Much like her Dad Maeve insisted upon putting each new article of clothing on as she unwrapped them so the ritual of present opening had kind of a "cat walk" feel to it if that's possible...

Maeve's longest and greatest obsession: Ferdinand the Bull (also known as "dah-mah-mah" which is Maeve's pronunciation of his name), fueled by Pa (also known as Dad) who even went so far as to find iron-on Ferdinand patches on-line and made tee shirts for Maeve. Are you kidding me here?

Maeve gives big love to her new dolly from Great Nana Rafferty...

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