Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well, the weekend we'd all been waiting for finally came and now it's over and boy am I bummed. Amy (aka Hydro) and Kevin tied the knot last Saturday, the 26th, thus my blog title. That's one more Chatham Chickadee officially spoken for. And the weekend certainly met all of my expectations and more. Not so much Chris' however as he was saddled with a killer cough (you know the kind that goes on and on and isn't the least bit productive...) most of the night. The final straw for him was when our good friend Kevin Shea, being very compassionate and solicitous, sat with Chris (while I busted a move and a couple of ribs on the dance floor) but each time Chris opened his mouth to speak to Kevin, a cough would come out instead. Anyway, Chris stuck it out the best he could and I had a rip-roaring time with my girls (and their dates). It was a night we won't soon forget and here are a few photos to commemorate the evening...

Dave and Dave reviewing all the moves to the Macarena in case the DJ decides to spin it:

Proof that Meg, Jodi and Becky really do clean up when they put their minds to it:

Jodi and Kevin, thinking to themselves, "if this guy coughs one more time, we're out of here..."

I've just told Meg, Dave, Dave & Beck that if they pose for this picture, they can take turns sitting on the shuttle bus driver's lap on the way to the reception:

The newlyweds obliging my request for a couple of photos so that I'll scram and they can eat their well-earned dinner!

The Maid of Honor, Jen and her Best Man, Marco:

Picture perfect...

The usual suspects, Kevin, Kevin, Dave, Dave, Dave...and Chris!

Anne, Donny, Dana and Larissa, relishing in the idea that the rowdy table is positioned in the back:

The wonderful duo that is Amy and Kevin is off to Greece! We wish them a lifetime of hearty laughter and big love...

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