Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ahhh...Memorial Day

While I was off logging some hours at work, Maeve and her Dad decided to make a day of it at Nana & Gramp McNamara's in Providence. As much as I'd like to believe Maeve enjoyed all the attention and love from her grandparents and Aunts and Uncle, I regret to write that what she probably delighted in most was repeatedly walking up and down the ramp which is positioned at the back door. This is Maeve's latest and perhaps greatest obsession (some close seconds being, shoes, hats, jackets, black beans, her new plastic ball, cowboy boots, etc.). What I subsequently delighted in, however, was the outfit that Maeve's Dad picked for her to wear while I was at work to commemorate the day: a camouflage skort with a Grateful Dead one-sie. Where are the fashion police when you need them?! This video is on the longer side of things, but if you can stick with it, Chris and I think the end is pretty darn funny...

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